Asset Liability Modelling (ALM) is a highly technical skill set found across insurers, consultancy firms, asset managers and investment banks. It focuses on the interaction between shifting liabilities in relation to a range of potential investment scenarios.
Because of the significance of liabilities, ALM is closely aligned with an actuarial skill-set. Unlike actuarial recruitment firms, Plenum has limited interest in individuals with an understanding of liabilities only. Instead it focuses on the small number of actuaries, both qualified or part-qualified who also have an in-depth understanding of the swaps and derivatives integral to the solution side of the asset and liability equation.
Plenum’s network also covers actuaries and investment specialists with expertise in tactical asset allocation, dynamic de-risking and investment advisory including ‘flight path’ strategy. As one of the key technical building blocks behind LDI, multi-asset investing and fiduciary management, ALM expertise is a prevalent skill set in Plenum’s network.